Siarter Iaith

Siarter Iaith – Cymraeg Campus

The Siarter Iaith is a program introduced to schools by the Welsh Government. The aim is to inspire children and young people to use Welsh in all aspects of their lives.

At Ynysfach Primary School, we value and celebrate the Welsh language and culture. We are very proud to have achieved our Bronze award and are currently working towards our Silver award.

Our school promotes, celebrates and prioritises the use of Welsh by pupils, staff and the wider school community and are invested in helping the Welsh Government achieve their goal of one million Welsh speakers by 2050. To do this we use Welsh throughout the day in and outside of the classroom in fun and exciting ways which means we have a positive attitude towards the Welsh language.

Siarter Iaith National Framework


NPT Welsh for Parents and Guardians Cymraeg Bob Dydd

Dysgu Cymraeg Apps

The Apps we use at Ynysfach

Dysgu Cymraeg Websites