Transition meeting for Parents – Click here to see the Whole School Summer Transition meeting PPT.
Virtual Parents Evening Monday 4th April – Thursday 7th April
Please click on the link below. Once a new window has opened, select your child’s teacher to book a virtual meeting. Please be aware that each meeting will last 10 minutes.

Ethical Informed Citizens of the World 28th March – 8th April
From the 28th March – 8th April our whole school is taking part in a series of activities based around our pupils becoming Ethically Informed Citizens – ready to be citizens of Wales and the world. We are planning to carry out activities which will develop the pupil’s understanding of the following areas of the new Curriculum for Wales :
I care for my environment
I understand that my actions & decisions affect others
I care about everyone’s rights and help others
I am a proud citizen of Wales
I know that there are good and bad things happening in the world and how they affect me
We are covering topics such as recycling, litter picking, pollution, conservation, reducing water usage and food waste, as well as planting and growing flowers and vegetables ready to sell in our Siop Y Ddraig Goch when it opens later in the year.
Some of our activities will be carried out during lessons in school, some will be set as homework challenges on the Google classroom and for some we would like to involve you as families.
Virtual Parents Evening 22nd – 26th November
We will be holding our virtual parents evening on the week beginning 22nd November. Please click on your child’s teacher below and choose a time that suits you.
Clothes Bank
Dear Parents,
We have organised a clothes recycling drop off point at the school with a locally-based textile recycling company Dragon Bags in order to raise funds.
Dragon Bags works only with schools across Wales and by getting involved in our clothes recycling scheme, you will be able to help raise funds for our school, help the environment by diverting items from landfill and also help our local firefighters gain much-needed support.
Our School will receive £300 for every ton collected (30p/kg).
To get involved simply place all your unwanted clothes, paired shoes, bags, belts, etc, in a plastic bag and place in the bin. The more we fill, the more money will be raised and spent on the pupils.
All items must be in good reusable condition (so please nothing ripped or stained). The collection will start today and will be for a limited time.
Let’s all get involved and have a great collection, thank you in advance.
Please tell other members of the community too!
Many Thanks
Acceptable Items

Virtual Parents Evenings 8th – 11th June
We will be holding our virtual parents evening on the week beginning 8th June. Please click on your child’s teacher below and choose a time that suits you.

Tai Tarian
The children of @Ynysfach1 in Resolven have given the thumbs up to their school’s new kitchen. The new facility will be used for cooking lessons and to learn about healthy eating and nutrition. A big thanks to @JefferiesPR for their help with this #CommunityBenefits project.

Dear Parents / Carers,
As part of our ‘Book of the Term and Health and Well-being weeks’ we are setting the pupils a challenge ‘ Our Race for Life’ . On Friday May 21st the pupils will have the opportunity to take part in running/ walking laps of the school. Could you make sure they have a P.E. kit on this day.
We will not be sending out sponsor forms but if you would like to make a donation for cancer research UK, we have set a parent pay account for you to pay in your donations or you can donate on the day as we will have pupils collecting at the gate. All proceeds collected will be donated to cancer research UK and all pupils who take part will receive a Race for Life medal.
Many thanks for your support.
& the staff at Ynysfach

Storytime Online
With access to libraries, classrooms and bookshops limited for many, we’ve been busy finding some of the best online storytimes for children to access freely at home. The QR codes and links in the document link to story readings on Youtube and all of the books we’ve chosen are read aloud by their fabulous authors and illustrators.