Pupil Well Being/Lles Disgyblion
The Headteacher has overall responsibility for running the school with your child’s care and safety in mind. However, the day to day care and safety of your child lies with the class teacher and support staff. At break times, teachers and care assistants are on duty. During the lunch break, supervisors are employed to look after the children. If a school activity is arranged outside the school day there will be a teacher in charge. On occasions teachers will have other adult helpers e.g. parents, friends of the school, students. This frequently happens on Educational Visits. There is always a teacher in overall charge on such occasions.
The School’s Health and Safety Policy is extensive and covers a wide range of activities relating to school life. The policy is available for perusal by parents. Within the school, there are key pad entry doors where visitors to school have to ‘buzz’ the school office before access is allowed. Visitors also have to sign the visitors book.
No access will be allowed to strangers without stating the nature of their business and producing identification, if the visit is not previously arranged.
Accidents And Illness/Damweiniau A Thostrwydd
Minor accidents and illnesses are treated in school. There are trained first-aiders amongst the teaching and support staff. If your child is more seriously hurt or ill, we will contact you to collect him/her from school. Please make sure we have emergency
contact number for this reason. In a medical emergency an ambulance will be called and your child will be taken to hospital accompanied by an adult. You will be contacted as soon as possible.
There are two categories of children who may need prescribed medication.
1. Children with long term illnesses e.g. asthma.
Arrangements will be made for their necessary treatment.
2. Children with short term illnesses.
Usually a child who is ill enough to need medicine prescribed by a doctor should
be at home, being cared for by a family member. Occasionally a child will be well enough to return to school before the course of treatment has ended; in these cases parents have to sign the medicine consent form in the school office. Medication prescribed 3 times daily can be taken at home before school, at home upon returning from school and at bedtime. In any other circumstance please speak to the Headteacher.
Unsupervised self-medication of chemist bought, or prescribed medication is not allowed under any circumstances.
Medical Examinations/Archwiliadau Meddygol
Vision, hearing and dental inspections are carried out in school during the year. You will be informed in advance if any apply to your child. The local Health Visitor calls regularly and will advise parents on health matters and hygiene as necessary.